October 1954: Comet at Twilight
In Captain Comet’s final adventure of the 1950s, the fictional futuristic man faces off against a symbol of society’s actual future — the computer. Or so it seems. In The Revolt of the Thinking Machine (Strange Adventures 49, Oct. 1954) , the Man of Destiny communicates the history of what he presciently says may be his “final battle” to Prof. Zackro through the professor’s TV. As newsboys shout that a Midwest University “thinking machine” has locked out the scientists who built it, Captain Comet tells Zackro, “I got to the Physics Building, of course, only moments after the story got out…” Communicating through a typewriter, the “giant calculator” warns, “No one must interfere with what I am doing! If anyone forces his way into the room, I shall destroy him!” The Man of 100,000 A.D. does just that as the machine blasts him with electric energy. “The bolts, of course, had no effect on me!” Comet tells Zackro. “My unique body instantly set up an immunity to the p...